Sunday, January 18, 2009

Class Excerise 1

For this assignment, I am suppose to sketch a machine that enhances my
creativity 100 times. Most of the time, I receive my information from the Internet and the local television programs. The variety programs on air, featuring topics such as DIY, fashion and interior design give me insight into the latest trends in town. These trends combined with theoretical concepts gathered from the web inject creativity into my daily life. For instance, these mediums provide me with innovative ideas on how to use cheaper raw materials to produce more sophisticated items through the DIY process. Thus, my representation of this machine is an Internet enabled television.

Description Of Illustration

The icons on the left of the television screen, shows interesting links on how to achieve a fashionable look. The television screens shows a picture of the user dolling herself up with the help of the Internet, sourcing for the cheapest goods to attain her ideal sophisticated look. This machine is also linked to the local broadcast station. Thus, the user can also receive the latest trend in town through the various television programs to assist her shopping.